Friday, October 8, 2010

Weigh-in 56

I had breakfast this week with a good friend that I hadn't really connected with in over a month. When we get together, it's usually a good time. A couple of old boys shooting the breeze, talking about the families, moaning and groaning about work and all that.

We also usually carry the conversation into our spiritual lives as well. He and I have some of the same struggles and some of the same talents. We are also very different in several areas. But it makes for a good combination and some really good conversation.

In he context of our talking this week, I mentioned that I felt something I was missing was a tight knit band of men that would take an interest in each others lives and form a community of encouragement, support, and accountability.

He shared with me a ministry at Seacoast church here in Charleston that had the goal of establishing these communities for men. So next week I'm planning to attend my first Men's Wednesday at Seacoast. I'm really excited about it and am very interested to see what all it has in store.

I strongly encourage you to find a small group of people that you can be very open and honest with. A band of folks that you don't worry much about when it comes to judging, hurtful criticism, and back stabbing. Easier said than done, right?

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are out there looking for some perfect people to get in a club with. You need to find some people that are messed up (like you and me are). That are scared (like we are). That mess things up and screw up at times (like you and I do).

Then you gotta love 'em. And give them the grace and compassion and respect that we all want. It's hard to do. And it just might hurt at times. But when you get there... it is so worth it.

One key thing to note - you can't do this as a hobby or just when it's convenient or easy. You are going to need to put in the time (abide, if you will) and, yes, some effort as well. This is where I've been failing with respect to this. Time to make some changes....

Speaking of changes, let's get to the numbers and see what changed.

First of all, the donation number has changed. We're up another $50 over last week's $224. That brings our current number to $274 on the way to at least $420 (to get all the matching funds).

Now, I hear you asking (or at least I hear the 2 people that read this each week asking): "What about the weigh in number?" Well....


Slowly but surely moving down. That leaves 15lbs to go by Dec 31, 2010. I have to get moving at more than one pound per week to hit the goal. I've started running again with the Couch To 5K program again. It's tough getting back in the habit but I'm still committed to doing the Bridge Run (10K) next year...

As always, please help out where you can. Even a couple of dollars can go a long way in helping Love146 and the fight to end human trafficking and modern day slavery. To learn more about giving, you can check this out.


Photo credit to barto.