Friday, July 9, 2010

Weigh In 42

Human Trafficking and sex slavery has been moving more and more into the mainstream lately. I'm seeing more outlets run stories on the topics and I'm seeing them show up in more places on-line. But nothing really brought as much attention as Ashton Kutcher's very public comment on the subject (see picture on the left above).

Kaka (of Brazilian soccer fame) joined the fight as well - that's him on the right in the picture up there. And now John Burger (aka @AbolitionistJB) has asked for people to join the campaign and pledge to support it. You can see the details over at on John's pledge page.

So I'm asking you to help out. Go to John's page, or over to his blog, and put your support behind this campaign. Make a sign, take a picture, and post it. I'll have one up soon.

On to this week's update. I checked in with the (now) trusty bathroom scale and it said to me:


So, a little progress from last Friday. I blame the holiday weekend and my wife's BLT dip... :-)

Remember, there is a bigger goal than just weight loss here. I need your help to raise money for Every dollar that you pledge in support of 210 in 2010 will a) go directly to (100% of it) and b) be doubled by the wonderful benefactors who have put up $420 in matching funds for the cause.

So let me know what you can pledge to help out in the fight against human slavery and their work to restore those freed from bondage.

Photo borrowed from AbolitionistJB.