Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Doing something

A little while ago, I wrote about feeling a call to get involved in the world around me. There was some fasting and there was more praying. And God has been working....

Almost out of the blue, the Youth Director at our church asked me if I wanted to come along on the summer mission trip to urban Washington, DC. Now understand that I don't typically do a lot with the youth programs. Not because of any reason other than my kids are elementary school age so most programs I'm involved in are their programs. So anyway, this would have seemed like it was coming outta left field if I hadn't been open to what God had for me.

After praying about it, I felt that it was right where I need to be. So I'm headed off to The Pilgrimage in DC for a week (June 5 - 11) with about 15 folks (mostly teens) to get involved. It's not quite the same type of involvement that Evan has, but I think it's a good start...

I'm not yet sure about what all we will be doing in DC but I am sure that it will be God's work as long as I maintain an open and humble posture (not something I'm especially good at, by the way). The Pilgrimage uses Micah 6:8 as their motto and I think it fits nicely with where I am right now:
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
(Micah 6:8, NIV)

So I'm very excited to have this planned. I have a feeling that there will be something in all of this that heightens my awareness and experience of God in my daily life. And that, dear friends, is something...

Father God, I humbly ask that you let your servant hear and follow your voice. May my heart always long for you in my life and may my hands always strive to do your work. Lord I ask for your guidance and, if it is your will, your blessing as we step out instead of just reach out. In all that we do, may God be glorified above all. Amen


Anonymous said...

Good on ya!
It's always healthy to reach out to those in need with a spirit of humility!